Fallen Angel is a unique, two-hander, actor-musician musical about love, redemption and overcoming loss.
It was launched as an original cast album in December 2020, which you can listen to below. Keeley is played by Naomi Stirrat and Zach is played by Callum Hughes. The show will tour the UK in 2021. LAX Airport. Angel Keeley is masquerading as a musician. She has a new assignment: take failing musician Zach to Heaven, by getting him on a London-bound flight that’s going to crash. All Zach wants is to write one hit song. Keeley knows that Zach will write a hit song, but will not live to hear it be a hit. She can’t let him get on the plane. Keeley breaks her angel vow. She tells Zach the plane’s going to crash. Zach thinks she’s crazy, and boards anyway. Keeley battles her Boss to save Zach’s life, but Boss refuses to let Zach live. Angels who defy the Boss and change history lose their wings. She’s faced with a stark choice: her immortality or Zach’s life. Artwork - Tom Enderby |