A TV musical dramedy series about Patti (40), mother and former pop star, who leaves her cheating husband and battles ageism to find true love with much younger man, Jack (25), and make her pop comeback. It’s fresh for UK screens because there’s an older woman genuinely loving a younger man, there’s the struggle of 40-year-old woman trying against the odds to be a great mother, have the perfect career, and stay sexy, it’s a TV musical, with powerful, original music and it’s a modern form of soliloquy: under stress Patti morphs into inner rock chick, Rox, who sings out her inner turmoil. Patti, was a one-hit wonder in her 20s with The Sirens (always absurdly mistaken for Carol Decker from T’Pau). She ended her blossoming pop career for marriage and children. Format: TV pilot - 12 episodes Running time - 45 minutes each episode |